Dorothy U. Dalton Foundation
The Dorothy U. Dalton Foundation supports Civic, Cultural, Education, Health, Housing and Human Services causes through a tri-annual grant process.
Deadlines and requirements
The Dorothy U. Dalton Foundation supports non-profit organizations and programs in the Greater Kalamazoo County Area
First time applicants, and those who have not received funds from the Foundation within the last 3 years, must contact the Dorothy U. Dalton Foundation before applying
Please use the Apply button to be routed to the application
2025 Application Deadlines
May 19, 2025
August 18, 2025
November 17, 2025
Human Services
**If you are outside of the greater Kalamazoo area and have not received funding within the past 3 years, please contact us before applying!**

About Dorothy U. Dalton
Dorothy attended Kalamazoo College and Smith College where she caught the acting bug in 1912. She spent The Roaring 20's with several repertory companies in Chicago, New York, Greenwich Village, and Pasadena as well as a year in Europe and a summer at an artist colony at Woodstock.
In the 1930s, Dorothy returned to Kalamazoo to uphold the Upjohn family legacy through community theater. The Civic Theatre was built by her father, Dr. Upjohn, to promote the cultural enrichment of Kalamazoo and where Dorothy appeared in Civic productions until 1971.
During The Great Depression Dorothy, along with other Kalamazoo leaders, founded the American National Bank and Trust Company in 1933 where Dorothy served as a director until 1942. Dorothy also provided community support to the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, the Borgess Medical Center where she established a psychiatric clinic for adults, the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Unemployment Research and served on The Upjohn Company board for almost 45 years.
In 1964, Dorothy was one of the pioneer trustees of the Western Michigan Board of Directors where she served nine years. She spearhead the design and development of Miller Auditorium at WMU and the fine-arts facilities at Western Michigan University and Kalamazoo College which bear her name.
From her father, Dr. William E. Upjohn, Dorothy Upjohn Dalton learned to appreciate the arts, have an interest in civic affairs and a stong commitment to providing community support. Her passions continue today through the Dorothy U. Dalton Foundation.
Civic - Cultural - Education - Health - Housing - Human Services

Dorothy U. Dalton Foundation | 211 S. Rose Street | Kalamazoo, MI 49007 | 269-388-9800
Contact Us
If you have any questions about applying for a grant, or the grantmaking process, please reach out to Beverly Whaley at or (269) 388-9800.